Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Foliar Fungus, Pathogen, FSPM, Epidemics, Infectious Cycle, Modelling framework

Long: Architecture & Leaf Pathogens

Functional Description

Alep is a FSPM library implemented in Python that adapts the concepts and tools of OpenAlea to pathosystem modelling. The key components of Alep are two abstract classes that represent Dispersal Units and Lesions of foliar fungi in a generic form. The equations in these classes are specified to model a given species of fungus. Alep also contains several generic functions to manipulate these objects and define their contract: functions of dispersal by rain and by wind, functions managing the growth and competition of several lesions on the same leaf. A particular pathosystem is modeled by assembling a coherent set of components via a plugin system. This strategy allows the composition of existing algorithms as well as the extension or the inclusion of new algorithms. Their assembly and scheduling of execution uses scientific workflows defined in OpenAlea. This way, models can run at different time and spatial scales.